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About OpenGov.Watch

OpenGov.Watch is helping Polkadot Governance grow up.

Polkadot is the biggest DAO on the planet, managing a Treasury of 400 million USD in early 2024. No one knows yet how to build a DAO of this size, so all of us are pioneering it together. OpenGov is a new way of building this blockchain ecosystem through Governance together in a collaborative process. We need to develop the right culture and processes to build this new network state.

OpenGov.Watch is here to help.

We write monthly Governance reports, quarterly Treasury reports, and provide simple tools like the OpenGov mastersheet to keep the publich informed. We give free consultations to projects seeking funding, connect teams and help them coordinate, and provide thought leadership by launching strategic initiatives around key issues that can help grow the ecosystem.

Our goal is to turn Polkadot OpenGov into a proactive, strategic actor that understands key issues and formulates and executes a strategy to develop Polkadot into the best place to build Web3.